Shamrock Masonic Lodge
No. 354 Kircubbin
1903 AD Constituted 5903 AL
Welcome to Shamrock 354
Shamrock Masonic Lodge 354 Kircubbin is one of 159 Masonic Lodges in the Provincial Grand Lodge of Down. Our Lodge is run by its members and headed by a Worshipful Master with the support of various Officers who carryout specific duties and administrative tasks. We currently have 41 members and meet on the 3rd Friday of each month (excluding June, July & August) at 7.45pm.
We support various charities, both Masonic and non Masonic and organise various social functions throughout the year to support them. This is in addition to our regular meetings where normal Lodge business is conducted.
Freemasonry is a fraternity, based on the Three Great Principles;
Brotherly Love
Every true Freemason will show tolerance and respect for the opinions of others and behave with kindness and understanding to his fellow creatures.
Freemasons are taught to practice charity, and to care, not only for their own members, but for the community as a whole, by both charitable giving, and by voluntary efforts.
Freemasonry strives for truth and requires a high moral standard of its members.
The Kircubbin Masonic Centre is a shared building, managed by a Hall Management Committee made up from members the Craft Lodge and Royal Arch Chapter. Along with us, Shamrock Royal Arch Chapter No. 354 sits in the Hall.
The Committee members and Offices are:
W Bro Maurice McKee Chairman / Trustee
W Bro Mark Hammond Secretary
Rt W Bro James McDowell Treasurer / Trustee
W Bro Simon McKee Auditor / Trustee
W Bro Ian McKenna Trustee
W Bro Stephen McMaster Auditor
W Bro Hubert Thompson Member
Kircubbin Masonic Centre
A word from our Worshipful Master............
Dear Visitor
Welcome to Shamrock Masonic Lodge. This is the 122nd year of Shamrock Masonic Lodge in Kircubbin. We created our website back in 2014 and this has allowed us to reach out to those who are interested in Freemasonry so that they can read about our Lodge and Freemasonry in general. We are always looking for suitable new members to join our fraternity, so if you are interested please contact us and we can discuss this with you.
I hope you find the information on our website interesting and on behalf of the Officers and Brethren of the Lodge, I would like to thank you for taking the time to view it and read more about Freemasonry.
Yours fraternally,
Clements Booth
Worshipful Brother Clements Booth
Worshipful Master (2024 AD, 6024 AL)
Read about our Lodge , when it was constituted, who was present at that time, and also read the article reported in the Newtownards Chronicle in 1903
Who's Who
We introduce you to our Worshipful Master for the coming year and also the Officers elected to support him throughout his term in office
Contact Us
If you've any questions about Freemasonry or are interested in becoming a Mason, here is our contact details for you to get in touch